the ghost after a few hours stops the rest of the group and its regenerative aura.
" I felt different things at this time, adventurers.
I feel that the majority of enemy creatures crossed the crypts and have moved to the second level of the fortress. We are waiting.
I also received some a person dall'aurea power strong enough, move away from the fortress about an hour ago.
But there's disturbing because a few minutes ago someone came in crypts, not the same person as before, and I feel it is heading here. In a minute it will be the entrance to the sanctuary of Bahamut. "
The group arranges and prepares to encounter the intruder. Gardland Leonard and run into the chapel and they hide behind two sarcophagi, remains behind in the room while Kaliber Sir Keegan.
A humanoid figure with a stick, comes into the room and looks around cautiously. Then Leonard seems to have noticed in his hiding place, and immediately he also hides behind a sarcophagus. Leonard in a loud voice, "Who you are! "." Barwin sent me, I must speak with Kalarel "said the mysterious guy. But his voice, however camouflaged, is unmistakable: it's Dan Poe.
Gardland Leonard and Dan come out and help to overcome the trap of the skeletons. We all meet in the crypt of Sir Keegan to discuss.
Dan explains that about two hours before the riot happened in Winterhaven. Valthurn has been lured into the tavern to discuss with a stranger and was murdered with poison. Dan Hoverbeth and could not see the murderess, and even investigate because soon after came the news that Lord Padraig had contracted a disease and was weak in bed. Linora sister is taking care of him.
But this is nothing to Tramondo, about an hour ago, the undead dragon Shadraxil manifested itself after a half-century and began to attack Winterhaven, with his breath and his necromantic petrifying gaze. The regulars, without the guidance of Padraig, have organized themselves better with the catapults and other war machines, but also when they can hurt the dragon, he goes away for minutes and then come back strong. Seems intent on destroying the tower.
Sir Keegan explained that the tower is a last barrier to free Shussurru. Shadraxil thought the seal was in the fortress and this has destroyed many years ago. Now he knows the truth about the tower, and wants to destroy it. This also means that certainly the ritual is finished ... the destruction of the tower is one of the last pieces.
"Aaahh if only I could get my revenge against the shadow hissing! But there is no time to lose. The ritual must be completed .. and the tower must not be destroyed. "
Kaliber, Gardland and Leonard decided to continue to the second level of the fortress to prevent release of Kalarel Shussurru. Dan resumed his horse and gallop to Winterhaven to help the resistance against the dragon. Leonard suggests to deceive and lead him to believe that the tower is not just to destroy the building.
The thief, the paladin and the warrior back then hastily towards the stairs leading to the second level. Strangely now a pale light comes from the floor. Leonard but his stealthy moves shadow is now taken over by two guards patrolling the stairs to squat base. In common language a bit 'wobbly, the guard yells "Shadow seeks shadow." Leonard remembers the phrase in the note found in Ninaran, "In the deep dark magic is king. But the reaction is not the one hoped for .. the creature screams "intruders!" and Leonard and the others have time to tighten the ranks at least two guards before loading them.
Creatures Hobgoblin, a rather fierce goblin race. Deitro the two guards in charge seems that other Hobgoblin you are gathering up the stairs. Leonard slips back, leaving the scrum and Gardland Kaliber, who suffer the cute and begin to shower blows against the creatures. While other hobgloblin climb the stairs to assist their allies, Leonard throws shuriken from the rear.
by the voices and sounds of chains and iron objects, it would appear that several enemies are working on something in the room.
The two guards fall under the attacks of the warriors, but are soon replaced. Leonard while he continues to throw his blades from above the stairs, trying to look better the situation, and notes that something big and black is approaching. Voices in draconic goblin say to each other, "be careful".
few seconds and the black spot, with impressive agility, jump in the air above the fray on the stairs, throwing fearful about Leonard: This is a really awful-looking giant spider.
Leonard escapes from the jaws of the poisonous spider and requires the help of Gardland that disengages from un'hobgoblin (killing it) and slide in the rear to deal with the Ragnoni. Leonard tries to assist Kaliber to handle the pressure of the enemy, still quite numerous.
Gardland dodges all attacks of the spider, while not fearing his poison, because of his temper Dwarf. Stroke after stroke, the swords have the best and creaturasi collapses dead in front of the warrior. Kaliber
settles death only, from time to time giving the opportunity of lining a hobgoblin to Leonard and shots to finish with murderers. The quota
call is then completely wiped out after a few minutes at a cost of some minor injury.
A quick search does not find anything interesting (only a few gold coin), so the three can continue. The room adjacent to the scale seemed simple guard outposts, except for a room that contained the spider cage. The whole area is well lit by torches and lanterns on the walls.
The group proceeds to the south. Leonard on ahead ... corriodoio the past, hidden on the sides of the room, other Hobgoblin Attack!
Once again our tightening in the corridor, reducing the numerical advantage of the opponents. Yet the hobgoblin are half a dozen more, and this time headed by a warrior who organizes them tactically and that guides the attack with his spear. Gardland is confronted immediately with him and mark each other, while Leonard Kaliber and massacred the others. The hobgoblin chief tries to free himself and to pursue other hobgoblins, ordering the best warriors to his side to retire at his side, but the pressure of the nano freezes his tactics.
Despite some well-aimed blow, once again the dark-skinned beings succumb to the ability of adventurers ... the group moves forward leaving behind a mountain of corpses of hobgoblins.
Nevertheless wounds inflicted by enemies begin to blur the clarity of the group if every alley to expect such a huge amount of opponents, can not so easily get out alive!
Two doors in this room. A large, two-door with a lock pin, and a small on a corridor that is not illuminated. No noise comes from both directions.
The big door once opened to a large room lit by lanterns and decorated with statues .. a giant statue of a warrior in the center, two statues of dragons at the corners, and a niche that has a second major port, with four statues of cherubs on the side.
The group takes a torch and moves to the dark corridor. After a curve, the corridor ends at a locked door in common with the engraving on the wood. "CLOSED".
Gardland pushes with all the strength he has and move a block of stone that had been set to lock the door. Smells closed and the old, dark, beyond the entrance. The door faces in the middle of a corridor, very clean and kept the rest of the fortress.
By Leonard on ahead with a torch is first joined the group to look at the left. Nothing interesting, the corridor turns, and everything is always darkest.
To the right ... gasp! a translucent mass occupying almost the entire corridor was following them, like an invisible wall .. but deadly! Leonard escapes just in time in the rear while the cube gelatinous Gardland advances and incorporates within its bulk acid.
Gardland to fly out from the crowd and start whittling amoeboid to the sound of swords. Kaliber rolls are also trying to damage his scourge. Everything seems to be enough space, the object is deformed to hit bumps with its paralyzing both warriors and further embedding them again.
While Leonard takes the distance and throws Shuriken by doubt affect this aberration, from inside the cube and the dwarf paladin trying to combat the corrosive acid and destroy the creature. Gardland wriggles out for a few seconds, and Kaliber is trapped. But from its scourge shakes squirting jelly everywhere.
The cube moves forward with a shot riparalizza the warrior dwarf and swallows. Leonard backs away again, and continues to throw his blades flying .. that will end soon.
Fortunately, before I can finish the cube, the two warriors, Kaliber is free and can "kill" the bizarre creature, freeing Gardland who had just won the effect of paralysis.
"Yuck!". The group cleans and restores the magic torch Gardland, covered in jelly. The corridor to the left leads to a niche, but it's a dead end.
Then continue to the right ... the corridor ends in a room with a door e. .. two sarcophagi, this time without any relief. On the basis of past experiences, the group stands ready for the worst ..
try to open the door, do it in time to glimpse a small cave with a chest tightly closed when the two sarcophagi uncovered it violently.
Even before the creatures can go inside (there are two corpses wrapped in a horrible black air .. like a zombie), the two warriors are upon him.
Gardland damaged and becomes invisible to the eyes of the undead warlock with his power and by the brand. His enemy and then ignores it and throws an energy ball against necrotic Leonard, enduring the surprise attack of the nano. Leonard
dodge ball fortunately necrotic, while Kaliber Sir Keegan uses the sword to stab his enemy, trying to answer with claws. Gardland manages to destroy the undead, only to find that explodes in a ball of energy necromatica it invests. After a few seconds, even Kaliber has the upper hand, and the sword of Sir Keegan glows with energy when the undead creature succumbs forever .. the energy of the sword adds vigor to the paladin.
Sir Keegan had not lied: the sword is a useful weapon against the living dead.
Finally Leonard may try to open the chest. After checking that there are pitfalls, he manages to break through and open it.
Inside there are the everyday objects of value: a rag doll, clothes, a medallion, a gold bracelet, two statues of a Dragon (Bahamut) .. placed on all drawings and arcane runes that cover the inside of the chest.
It is perhaps the receptacle Keegan was talking about! The group is preparing to remove objects from the precise positions of the drawings arcane e.. shortly after a wave of tremors shook the fortress.
Something happened.
our haste to go through the rooms until you return to the room where he was imprisoned by the ghost .. to find out about him now, there is no trace.
E 'went nearly an hour since they left Dan to Winterhaven .. Hoping
that not all is lost and that there is still time to avoid the worst, the three decided to continue the exploration of the second level of the fortress, and flush Kalarel.
" I felt different things at this time, adventurers.
I feel that the majority of enemy creatures crossed the crypts and have moved to the second level of the fortress. We are waiting.
I also received some a person dall'aurea power strong enough, move away from the fortress about an hour ago.
But there's disturbing because a few minutes ago someone came in crypts, not the same person as before, and I feel it is heading here. In a minute it will be the entrance to the sanctuary of Bahamut. "
The group arranges and prepares to encounter the intruder. Gardland Leonard and run into the chapel and they hide behind two sarcophagi, remains behind in the room while Kaliber Sir Keegan.
A humanoid figure with a stick, comes into the room and looks around cautiously. Then Leonard seems to have noticed in his hiding place, and immediately he also hides behind a sarcophagus. Leonard in a loud voice, "Who you are! "." Barwin sent me, I must speak with Kalarel "said the mysterious guy. But his voice, however camouflaged, is unmistakable: it's Dan Poe.
Gardland Leonard and Dan come out and help to overcome the trap of the skeletons. We all meet in the crypt of Sir Keegan to discuss.
Dan explains that about two hours before the riot happened in Winterhaven. Valthurn has been lured into the tavern to discuss with a stranger and was murdered with poison. Dan Hoverbeth and could not see the murderess, and even investigate because soon after came the news that Lord Padraig had contracted a disease and was weak in bed. Linora sister is taking care of him.
But this is nothing to Tramondo, about an hour ago, the undead dragon Shadraxil manifested itself after a half-century and began to attack Winterhaven, with his breath and his necromantic petrifying gaze. The regulars, without the guidance of Padraig, have organized themselves better with the catapults and other war machines, but also when they can hurt the dragon, he goes away for minutes and then come back strong. Seems intent on destroying the tower.
Sir Keegan explained that the tower is a last barrier to free Shussurru. Shadraxil thought the seal was in the fortress and this has destroyed many years ago. Now he knows the truth about the tower, and wants to destroy it. This also means that certainly the ritual is finished ... the destruction of the tower is one of the last pieces.
"Aaahh if only I could get my revenge against the shadow hissing! But there is no time to lose. The ritual must be completed .. and the tower must not be destroyed. "
Kaliber, Gardland and Leonard decided to continue to the second level of the fortress to prevent release of Kalarel Shussurru. Dan resumed his horse and gallop to Winterhaven to help the resistance against the dragon. Leonard suggests to deceive and lead him to believe that the tower is not just to destroy the building.
The thief, the paladin and the warrior back then hastily towards the stairs leading to the second level. Strangely now a pale light comes from the floor. Leonard but his stealthy moves shadow is now taken over by two guards patrolling the stairs to squat base. In common language a bit 'wobbly, the guard yells "Shadow seeks shadow." Leonard remembers the phrase in the note found in Ninaran, "In the deep dark magic is king. But the reaction is not the one hoped for .. the creature screams "intruders!" and Leonard and the others have time to tighten the ranks at least two guards before loading them.
Creatures Hobgoblin, a rather fierce goblin race. Deitro the two guards in charge seems that other Hobgoblin you are gathering up the stairs. Leonard slips back, leaving the scrum and Gardland Kaliber, who suffer the cute and begin to shower blows against the creatures. While other hobgloblin climb the stairs to assist their allies, Leonard throws shuriken from the rear.
by the voices and sounds of chains and iron objects, it would appear that several enemies are working on something in the room.
The two guards fall under the attacks of the warriors, but are soon replaced. Leonard while he continues to throw his blades from above the stairs, trying to look better the situation, and notes that something big and black is approaching. Voices in draconic goblin say to each other, "be careful".
few seconds and the black spot, with impressive agility, jump in the air above the fray on the stairs, throwing fearful about Leonard: This is a really awful-looking giant spider.
Leonard escapes from the jaws of the poisonous spider and requires the help of Gardland that disengages from un'hobgoblin (killing it) and slide in the rear to deal with the Ragnoni. Leonard tries to assist Kaliber to handle the pressure of the enemy, still quite numerous.
Gardland dodges all attacks of the spider, while not fearing his poison, because of his temper Dwarf. Stroke after stroke, the swords have the best and creaturasi collapses dead in front of the warrior. Kaliber
settles death only, from time to time giving the opportunity of lining a hobgoblin to Leonard and shots to finish with murderers. The quota
call is then completely wiped out after a few minutes at a cost of some minor injury.
A quick search does not find anything interesting (only a few gold coin), so the three can continue. The room adjacent to the scale seemed simple guard outposts, except for a room that contained the spider cage. The whole area is well lit by torches and lanterns on the walls.
The group proceeds to the south. Leonard on ahead ... corriodoio the past, hidden on the sides of the room, other Hobgoblin Attack!
Once again our tightening in the corridor, reducing the numerical advantage of the opponents. Yet the hobgoblin are half a dozen more, and this time headed by a warrior who organizes them tactically and that guides the attack with his spear. Gardland is confronted immediately with him and mark each other, while Leonard Kaliber and massacred the others. The hobgoblin chief tries to free himself and to pursue other hobgoblins, ordering the best warriors to his side to retire at his side, but the pressure of the nano freezes his tactics.
Despite some well-aimed blow, once again the dark-skinned beings succumb to the ability of adventurers ... the group moves forward leaving behind a mountain of corpses of hobgoblins.
Nevertheless wounds inflicted by enemies begin to blur the clarity of the group if every alley to expect such a huge amount of opponents, can not so easily get out alive!
Two doors in this room. A large, two-door with a lock pin, and a small on a corridor that is not illuminated. No noise comes from both directions.
The big door once opened to a large room lit by lanterns and decorated with statues .. a giant statue of a warrior in the center, two statues of dragons at the corners, and a niche that has a second major port, with four statues of cherubs on the side.
The group takes a torch and moves to the dark corridor. After a curve, the corridor ends at a locked door in common with the engraving on the wood. "CLOSED".
Gardland pushes with all the strength he has and move a block of stone that had been set to lock the door. Smells closed and the old, dark, beyond the entrance. The door faces in the middle of a corridor, very clean and kept the rest of the fortress.
By Leonard on ahead with a torch is first joined the group to look at the left. Nothing interesting, the corridor turns, and everything is always darkest.
To the right ... gasp! a translucent mass occupying almost the entire corridor was following them, like an invisible wall .. but deadly! Leonard escapes just in time in the rear while the cube gelatinous Gardland advances and incorporates within its bulk acid.
While Leonard takes the distance and throws Shuriken by doubt affect this aberration, from inside the cube and the dwarf paladin trying to combat the corrosive acid and destroy the creature. Gardland wriggles out for a few seconds, and Kaliber is trapped. But from its scourge shakes squirting jelly everywhere.
The cube moves forward with a shot riparalizza the warrior dwarf and swallows. Leonard backs away again, and continues to throw his blades flying .. that will end soon.
Fortunately, before I can finish the cube, the two warriors, Kaliber is free and can "kill" the bizarre creature, freeing Gardland who had just won the effect of paralysis.
"Yuck!". The group cleans and restores the magic torch Gardland, covered in jelly. The corridor to the left leads to a niche, but it's a dead end.
Then continue to the right ... the corridor ends in a room with a door e. .. two sarcophagi, this time without any relief. On the basis of past experiences, the group stands ready for the worst ..
try to open the door, do it in time to glimpse a small cave with a chest tightly closed when the two sarcophagi uncovered it violently.
Even before the creatures can go inside (there are two corpses wrapped in a horrible black air .. like a zombie), the two warriors are upon him.
Gardland damaged and becomes invisible to the eyes of the undead warlock with his power and by the brand. His enemy and then ignores it and throws an energy ball against necrotic Leonard, enduring the surprise attack of the nano. Leonard
dodge ball fortunately necrotic, while Kaliber Sir Keegan uses the sword to stab his enemy, trying to answer with claws. Gardland manages to destroy the undead, only to find that explodes in a ball of energy necromatica it invests. After a few seconds, even Kaliber has the upper hand, and the sword of Sir Keegan glows with energy when the undead creature succumbs forever .. the energy of the sword adds vigor to the paladin.
Sir Keegan had not lied: the sword is a useful weapon against the living dead.
Finally Leonard may try to open the chest. After checking that there are pitfalls, he manages to break through and open it.
Inside there are the everyday objects of value: a rag doll, clothes, a medallion, a gold bracelet, two statues of a Dragon (Bahamut) .. placed on all drawings and arcane runes that cover the inside of the chest.
It is perhaps the receptacle Keegan was talking about! The group is preparing to remove objects from the precise positions of the drawings arcane e.. shortly after a wave of tremors shook the fortress.
Something happened.
our haste to go through the rooms until you return to the room where he was imprisoned by the ghost .. to find out about him now, there is no trace.
E 'went nearly an hour since they left Dan to Winterhaven .. Hoping
that not all is lost and that there is still time to avoid the worst, the three decided to continue the exploration of the second level of the fortress, and flush Kalarel.