While Terrlen Al'azbani explains that the name and not the 'new, and remember that it was the name of Saarun magician who had come to seek information on the maze a few weeks earlier, on group arrived in the lobby from the street shadows e. .. something pretty important is happening. On the mound
the statue of the Minotaur at the center of the atrium, Orontor (along with his guardian made of bronze and all'Ogre Brugg) is talking with some mages in red dress (with several bodyguards genasi and gargoyles). Next to you and 'also Khedira, the outpost Grimmerzhul Duergar responsible, along with three other Duergar. Several speakers
locks are arranged around the circle, and under the hill a large number of individuals (including police, and make it Vadriar) are watching the scene.
The group is close to understanding what is going on. In particular Orkut tries to sneak near the base the hill to hear better what is being said .. but only manages to feel disconnected phrases between Orontor and Red Wizards .. ".. Next time ..". Asking
information quickly, the inhabitants of the atrium and explain that 'the first time that there' s just a magician saarun to welcome the Red Wizards, who for the first time doing business with the Duergar,
Guardian bronze take two boxes, while Duergar you get by taking the remainder. Then they all begin to fall, while the Red Wizards begin to recite a ritual, and the crowd of onlookers fades back to their business.

The group decided to spend the rest of the day (and 'late afternoon) to find information, particularly on the key and found 'the court of the bones'. Decides to begin by the mysterious dark elf emporium, Genda.
Genda welcomes them in the usual sarcastic way. Orkut collects provocations and attempts to Genda intrigue about a mysterious door that can 'only be opened by a big key .. but without success. When the key is displayed, the drow says nothing about them. Do not even bat an eyelid when he was named "the court of the bones."
During the discussion reveals the fact that "knows" that they work for Wizards of Saarun, and is rumored to have a mission, but our refuse. Orkut says that if "they will want to help with information" will be generous about the treasures that will due to their key.
When the group comes to visit Orontor, he receives them kindly as the first time. E 'satisfied that they are affecting the question Duergar, and reassures them that do not have to worry about the consequences, if they were to attack and be sued. Orkut says that whatever are worried because 'people feel that mages are less influential and more' weaker than usual, not only for Duergar, but also to the recent disappearances, as Paldemar or Al'azbani ...
the name Al'azbani, Orontor expressed surprise at least as much as when the adventurers had appointed Paldemar. Explain that Al'azbani Paldemar decided to dig out and remove it before become a powerful and evil, and had hired mercenaries to go to his research in the labyrinth, about a week ago. "It's not 'disappeared, probably soon will be back' with good news of success." The group is silent about his death, and Orontor seems to have been sufficiently shocked and annoyed by the question, then cut short, "whatever it is, and not 'in nobody's interest that we hanged the affairs of Wizards of Saarun. I hope that you want to stop once and for all and indulge in Duergar, if your looking for adventure. Tomorrow I will have 'one or two potions for you.. "
The group then buys two healing potions to the temple of Torm, by Surina, the cleric who Draconid false hopes to eradicate all evil that there 'nell'underdark. Inn in the evening, asking around, they can not get more information about the court of the bones. However people seem to be well aware that the themes mystery, intrigue and information, "Genda sooner or later come to know everything about everyone. But it 's all right, that mind their own business, mostly' ". Or so 'they say. Halflings vanquish stress the importance of the band of slavers, the Bloodreavers.
Kaliber spends the night at the temple, Leonard room in the inn, Dan in trance in the tavern and saloon Orkut decides to rest in a corner keeping in view the general store of policemen throughout the night.
Indeed, at night, Orkut notices that a humanoid figure is small in size, approaching the door of the emporium .. Orkut breaks the trance and try to sneak closer, but be aware that something is wrong e.. mysteriously disappears into thin air, invisible, or teleport, the front door.
Orkut is hiding, trying to eavesdrop, without success. Then he decided to Prearo possible with output being hidden, ready to hook up with a rope.
After about ten minutes by signs of opening the door, and no cover Genda out to look around. Orkut if the row over the 'fast as possible, in the shadows, hiding from a distance. Genda mound of salt on the statue to see better lobby, and who you are hiding. Orkut stops while Genda looks in his direction, and sees something strange. Using the dark powers of obfuscation and teleportation, Orkut escapes Genda as he tries to approach, and without being identified, fades away in the shadows dall'emporio.
immediately reach the inn and told Dan what had happened.
So the two elves decide to continue the quiet night, completing the rest.
The morning after deciding to go by gendarmes to hear if he changed his mind about giving their information. The drow did not change his mind, but offers to buy the key for 300 gold coins. The refusal of the group, says that the key to sell him and 'the best thing you can do, 'cause the proabilmente lose anyway. still insists that the key and 'a lot better to be in his hands than in them, but our not accepting the exchange, and leave dall'emporio wondering how the night tour which received Genda influenced his change opinion .. When they go to
Terrlen Darkseeker to take it for another day of exploration of the labyrinth, they discover that a gnome and 'came from him yesterday morning to ask if he had taken a large key that belonged to a non-dead. Terrlen said that the elf said that some of his customers had the fight and got the key, but did not reveal the identity 'of the group.
Now our people know certain that someone 'interested in their silver key ..
Waiting for magic items ordered from the clan Grimmerzhul arrive in the evening, taking Terrlen to show them where the hideout of Bloodreavers in the maze. Terrlen accept but once again explains that he wants back in the day and definitely do not go into combat. When others asked him 'cause he so' fear of the dangers of the maze, says that in the last period, and 'found displaced more' times, and think they are being attacked psychically (has amnesia ..).
After about two hours walking in the direction of the street shining, arrive in the vicinity 'of the "camera eye", the place where the Bloodreavers should have the headquarters. Terrlen explains that slaveholders are groups of hobgoblins and gnolls, and capture mainly goblins, halflings, humans who are undernourished and held in appalling conditions until they are sold to the highest bidder . Have been declared illegal by the wizards of Saarun, but their business and 'probably still standing.
The group decides that it is not 'the case of an attack now on the eve of their likely grimmerzhul attack on the clan, and then decide to spend the rest of the day in search of short bones. Then he went
Terrlen in areas that do not know, close to the road of shadows, where they met with the wight of the tunic Al'azbani.
try tirelessly to hours, through empty rooms, alcoves and landings raised difficult to access but ... a major port for the key there and their 'track!
After four hours of research, pero ', instead of finding the bones of the court, they encounter a gang of bullies Gnoll trying in vain to seek the group an ambush.
The head of the group, chatter bravado and his henchmen are launched against our own, attacking from all sides with spears, arrows and flagella. A slave goblins hiding in the shadows while the head enters the fray.
Terrlen tries to scram, but finds himself involved in a collision with a hobgoblin that was hidden.
Orkut, Dan, and Leonard Kaliber instead bring more against the wall ' close to avoid being flanked, and start to fight harder using the best of their resources.

The enemies are pretty tough, and they are supernumerary poses to the heroes who try to kill the gnolls while Kaliber if he sees the demonic-looking head. Terrlen can not break away from the goblins, is slightly wounded, but continued to hold his head, injuring him in his time with his short sword.
Kaliber and Orkut can send the group heads to the ground . The first goblin was a prisoner who escapes to a tunnel. Other creatures have stayed if they see the ugly and beginning to show signs of wanting to escape.
Against all expectations, however, 'at that time Terrlen was injured very severely by the goblins and instead of collapsing to the ground, shouts of anger from seizures and got his body begins to swell, to fill up with hair e. .. to turn into a monster!
The scene leaves you flabbergasted onlookers, and scare the goblins that he was fighting with Terrlen. The beast which wer 'became nozzle against the creature already' wound and the membrane in a jiffy.
Dan, Kaliber Orkut and take the opportunity to escape from the fray, into the tunnel they were following before being attacked. Orkut evokes the shadows of the drow in front of the passage, in the hope of discouraging the Terrlen turned to follow them.
Leonard and 'attacked and wounded by Terrlen, and' attempted to answer, but since that the two remaining gnolls are turning their attention to the monster, decides to escape from the shadows and also avoid a clash with his former guide.
Fortunately the fury of the werewolf is directed against the remaining enemies, who have little hope .. and the four run through the halls as much as' they can to try to save themselves : wer a beast does not have control of their actions!

.. this explains the mystery of the fear of Terrlen to enter combat, the amnesia he had mentioned and the recent ill-success of his expeditions!
After you move away enough, our attempt to return to the atrium , knowing to be lost as they fled from the danger in bulk. Yet should not be far away ..