Agrid, Leonard is already 'in place when Kaliber, Orkut, and Dan Naysend come to the area of \u200b\u200bthe tanks.
Leonard has designed the device since the sketches Paldemar, and it seems sure to trigger the traps and blow up the wall of the tanks, if necessary.
The cave 'big, home to an intersection of three steps that lead to the wall protected by the mechanisms of magicians of Saarun. Orontor could come from two of the three steps. The third door to the old nest of troglodytes, explored a few days earlier by the group.
It 's very likely to come together with one or more' guardians of Bronze, and constructs are deadly in close combat.
The plan that the group comes up and 'as follows:
Leonard is hiding behind a shelter of stones near the wall, ready to act on the mechanisms and signal to activate the traps of others. Dan dresses Orontor by as best he can 'and begins to recite a ritual of' magic circle 'that would prevent anyone not strong enough to overcome a barrier which in this case would take almost any room. The idea 'to finish the ritual when Orontor, hoping that comes close to the fake Paldemar, is already' in the middle of the area marked for future trap. Once trapped in the traps of the tanks do their duty. Kaliber, Naysend and Orkut are hiding in the hallways instead to intervene in a fight as soon as necessary.
The problem 'is to synchronize the end of the ritual of arrival Orontor, given the fact that no one knows the exact time of arrival and Dan would risk undermining the very magic circle if unnecessarily lengthens the ritual! Agrid then decided to return quickly to the atrium, a ritual of buying from Duergar message, and when I leave Orontor stalk ', and magically be able to communicate with a specific half-hour before the arrival of the enemy. All this at a price they can not possibly take part in the battle to stop sending the message safely.
Preparations carried out, and everything 'ready, message arrives Agrid " and' shadows on the road, a half hour walk. Travel with two guards. Good luck " . Dan immediately began reciting the ritual, after having carefully traced the runes in the vast area that must 'accommodate the club. Leonard and 'sheltered behind the stone wall they have built, Orkut, and Kaliber Naysend are hidden in the steps leading up to the wall.
Naysend Orkut and begin to see the lights of approaching people, and withdraw even more 'in the shadows. Orontor bronze with two guards emerge from the darkness' and is close to the wall that protects the arcane tanks.

ammantellata Look at the picture of Dan (with the mantle of Paldemar) while reciting the ritual, and notes the runes of the magic circle that cover the entire room.
"What a farce and 'this? " exclaims the last Wizard of Saarun, holding the rod ready to cast a spell against the fake Paldemar.
At that time, the warlock, the paladin and the barbarian out of hiding and attack the sorcerer, and was immediately locked in their ambush by the guardians of bronze recruiting them into the fray.
Orontor hurls a heavy arrow acid against Dan, who estimated that perhaps not 'the case to maintain the position and concentration in the hope that the magician or two guards enter nonel circle: the fight and' just started and the floor ' already 'for target' failed!
Dan neutralizes the ritual and evokes the shadows enveloping him the sorcerer enemy, then you shelter from the attacks. Meanwhile, the warriors occupy two powerful guardians, while Orkut targets with its powers over 'the great magician.
The guards are very strong, and the prospects are not good, and has access to spells Orontor very dangerous throws at a distance, he made mention of the wall to approach the area where Leonard could activate the trap. Fortunately
Dan decided to try to sleep with a magic spell of sleep, which is particularly well done: first, the magician seems dazed, then falls to the ground taken from a faint. Bronze Guardians are preparing to defend it to the best of their ability ', but Naysend makes its way between their axes sharp and ripping off the magician the two medallions that allow to control them.

Before the magician is able to come to your senses, the two magicians with his body target the worst magic bullets Kaliber and also ignores the danger 'of the guards to try to hurt Orontor to death, and now that' vulnerable.
Orontor and 'defeated, dead or dying, but the two guards did not give up, and seem to be very, very dangerous. Nothing seems to serve the barbarian genasi attempts to dominate them with medallions.
Given the situation of disadvantage and the desirability 'of an escape, after a quick warning, Leonard decides to bring the trap part of the wall blows up as expected, a river of water pouring into the cave, all present and overwhelming!
The body of the Wizard of Saarun is dragged away by the current, they start chasing and guardians to protect it, by dropping the group. The room 'filled with a powerful jet of water is rising, and everyone has the opportunity' to escape the tunnels to the side ...
.. except Dan, who decides not to let go of the magic that had Orontor bracket, with one eye that has seen floating down the stream toward the tunnel that leads into the lair of troglodytes.
At the risk of drowning (the area is rapidly filling up with water) the Eladrin is launched underwater and grab the bracket that was going to bottom, then swim against the flow of water and reach, breath, his companions are safe in the main tunnel, where the water level and 'still low.
few hours later, regained his breath and treated the wounds, the group heads for the lobby of the seven pillars. The entrance and 'regarded by Duergar, and the atrium, despite the night, and' trembling in activities'. The duergar are everywhere, the wizards of the tower and Saarun 'besieged and set on fire: flashes of magic fire coming from inside. Genda reaches the group and explained that after the death of Orontor, dell'Ordinator Arcanis and the angel 'appeared, reached the statue of the Minotaur on the mound in the center of the atrium, has destroyed it and took his place , becoming a giant statue of platinum. An inscription and 'appeared at the base of the hill. the result of this incident Grimmerzhul the clan has officially taken power by placing guards everywhere and started to plunder the possessions of the wizards of Saarun. The dark elf reports that Khedira and 'ready to clear the debt to them and let them go in kindness' if you will not interfere with the transfer of power from Wizards of the Saarun Duergar.

addition, the clan and 'willing to buy the medallions of control of the guardians of the bronze figure of 1000 gold coins each.
It seems that the threat of magicians of Saarun has been thwarted for now, even if the hall does not seem to have happened in his hands a lot more 'wise .. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi ..