Douven exits from the building shortly afterwards and says he understands the misunderstanding, and that if he wants the adventurers will be happy with them, where there is treasure and he is always interested in opportunities! And in a way that is waiting for a bard should get to Winterhaven in these days to give them information, then ..
Douven says his real name is Leonard Fromwin , Douven and uses it only as an alternative identity.
The others in the company accepted and explain the situation.
then decide, together with some of Padraig guard who keeps an eye on the situation, and the gnome bound and gagged, to enter nell'emporio (now closed, its windows boarded up) and flush Barwin. The square is observed in active and curious adventurers launch a ritual of silence before the door, while the Leonard cleverly broken into. Under cover of silence, Leonard opens the door and peeks in the lobby of the emporium.
Many of the shelves have been cleaned up, and Barwin is removing items from a display case, unaware of being observed. The door to the private quarters, behind the bar is open.
Hoverbeth motions to hurt Barwin Leonard, and Leonard sguizza within atrium and surprising man with the dagger, reaching a dagger between the ribs. "Where are you going Barwin?".
Gardland burst into the room, and Kaliber Hoverbeth with the gnome prisoner. Barwin dodges a stab Leonard, and recites a spell that quickly spreads that dark aura about Gardland and Leonard, who will be blinded. Behind the rays of frost Hoverbeth, Barwin flees into the back room.
receive their sight, while the gnome complains and tries to wriggle out of Kaliber and controls it, Hoverbeth, Leonard Gardland chase Barwin and discovering that there are some steps under the bed in his private quarters, and that surely it is the evil emporia under the refugee.
One after another, down the stairs and quickly find themselves in what appears to be a dark sanctuary
secret lit by candles in wall niches, there is a room with an altar, several prayer benches, a red carpet glows with a magical golden malignant e.. dark enemies waiting for!
Douven says his real name is Leonard Fromwin , Douven and uses it only as an alternative identity.
The others in the company accepted and explain the situation.
then decide, together with some of Padraig guard who keeps an eye on the situation, and the gnome bound and gagged, to enter nell'emporio (now closed, its windows boarded up) and flush Barwin. The square is observed in active and curious adventurers launch a ritual of silence before the door, while the Leonard cleverly broken into. Under cover of silence, Leonard opens the door and peeks in the lobby of the emporium.
Many of the shelves have been cleaned up, and Barwin is removing items from a display case, unaware of being observed. The door to the private quarters, behind the bar is open.
Hoverbeth motions to hurt Barwin Leonard, and Leonard sguizza within atrium and surprising man with the dagger, reaching a dagger between the ribs. "Where are you going Barwin?".
Gardland burst into the room, and Kaliber Hoverbeth with the gnome prisoner. Barwin dodges a stab Leonard, and recites a spell that quickly spreads that dark aura about Gardland and Leonard, who will be blinded. Behind the rays of frost Hoverbeth, Barwin flees into the back room.
receive their sight, while the gnome complains and tries to wriggle out of Kaliber and controls it, Hoverbeth, Leonard Gardland chase Barwin and discovering that there are some steps under the bed in his private quarters, and that surely it is the evil emporia under the refugee.
One after another, down the stairs and quickly find themselves in what appears to be a dark sanctuary
secret lit by candles in wall niches, there is a room with an altar, several prayer benches, a red carpet glows with a magical golden malignant e.. dark enemies waiting for!

Barwin it is a bit 'resumed the attack, and is on the roof in back of the room behind the altar.
Closer to the entrance, ready for action, two figures ammantellate not exactly a dark-looking man, armed with scythes by the Black Blade. Between them and the altar, two other cultists human habit, whose face is masked by a hood. They too are armed with short swords edge black. Our
are immediately engaged in combat before entering the room while they are still on the stairs. Gardland his ax and hold the front of the enemy cultists and creatures with the scythe from behind Hoverbeth throws his spheres of force and radius of frost to Barwin. Leonard shot up above the fray in a stunt fight and manages to skip the entry and enter the room, ready to line and deal deadly blows to the enemy. Creatures with the sickle, once killed, they dissolve into thin air. While
Gardland its way with mighty blows, even Hoverbeth enters the room using the fairy eladrin step. Despite the best tactical position the enemies are fierce and fight to the death. Barwin from behind the altar rails necromantic energy beams that not only hurt a lot, but also blind. Gardland is injured by the blades seem to wear black if in some kind of poison magic.
Leonard, a corner, screaming down at Kaliber for help. The Paladin dragging down the gnome against the will and slammed to the ground to get into melee and help the fellow with his comforting presence. Soon
Hoverbeth Kaliber and are chasing Barwin and put it on the corner between brands and magical rays. Kaliber But when looking to enter the fray, Barwin always manages to blind him with her dark energies and escape its attacks.
Fortunately Gardland and Leonard, brute force and coordinating movement confusing manage to kill the other enemies, and even Barwin is forced to succumb to Hoverbeth and Kaliber. Just before the end of the meeting, however Hoverbeth realize that the gnome tied up and whipped in a corner and escaped as he rushes up the stairs in pursuit. The gnome seems to have vanished. The guards in front of the store say they have seen for a while, but then it has become invisible and lost. Hoverbeth tells them to go and call Lord Padraig.
Meanwhile the group tries objects and information in the secret shrine. They find a magical amulet, a door from a secret room with a treasure chest, gold coins and several books related to the worship of Shar. Also found on a scroll to Barwin with the following message:
" Yesterday we received your last supply of the fortress. I agree the precautions of closing of the emporium, it's better that way, however, do not worry, the ritual will be finished very soon and will be released as planned Shussurru. Your services will not be forgotten in Shar, Barwin. Soon toast with the victory. - Kalarel "
arrived Lord Padraig, he is shocked by seeing the clear evidence of the existence the cult of a Winterhaven Shar. He says that for now does not want to panic, but is very upset to see that there are many benches in the sanctuary, and that one of the cultists killed was part of his body guards, the regulars. He says he will investigate what other between his guards may be involved, and recruit new regulars at the guild of warriors.
thanked the adventurers and says that after finishing the job with the kobolds (this time he is convinced and says he will call in a support group) will be more than generous. Consents to the 'investigate' the elf Ninaran also at the core of our suspicions. Also mentions that speak of the existence of the cult of Shar with Valthurn, the guardian the old tower. Remember to
Douven Dragonpoker important game tonight, which says he has a visitor came from the nearby diplomatic Cormyr, and be careful not to spread the word about the cult but to act fairly: their official duty to the citizens is vanquish kobolds.
evening before the group comes to visit Valthurn, explains the situation and shows him the letter Kalarel. Valthurn not know anything useful, but says he had the permission of Padraig on the search in books in the library of the ancient tower, to search for useful information. He says he will stay up all night and tomorrow will report his findings. Before
game of the evening, the group tries Ninaran in the city but it seems has not showed up.
tavern In the evening we are all creatures of habit (the old Elian Douven recommends that if you joined the band hired for the kobolds, the mission is very risky and the group's leader, iron teeth, it is said to be truly invincible) .
Lord Padraig is in the basement with mercenary Aperez that "re-" present to the group: is the new recruit in the regulars, and his first mission is to support our against the goblins. Aperez not very happy about, but does not hold back.
The table of strong players is one of the main attractions. Gardland Hoverbeth and are not allowed to play, by the collusion of their last game, then the table of 10 gold coins sitting Lord Padraig, Leonard "Douven" Dan Poe, and Arion such Joannes Van Sarimun, a politician who apparently is on a visit to Winterhaven to discuss the reopening and securing of the eastern route over the peaks of thunder. The game starts
(5 gambit, the player who remains with more chips) and the first and Gambit were won by Dan Leonard. Padraig seems in trouble, and Leonard knew of having promised to make him win the game, try to cheat by taking a few more card but is taken up by the guards once and once Van Sarimun.
Closer to the entrance, ready for action, two figures ammantellate not exactly a dark-looking man, armed with scythes by the Black Blade. Between them and the altar, two other cultists human habit, whose face is masked by a hood. They too are armed with short swords edge black. Our
are immediately engaged in combat before entering the room while they are still on the stairs. Gardland his ax and hold the front of the enemy cultists and creatures with the scythe from behind Hoverbeth throws his spheres of force and radius of frost to Barwin. Leonard shot up above the fray in a stunt fight and manages to skip the entry and enter the room, ready to line and deal deadly blows to the enemy. Creatures with the sickle, once killed, they dissolve into thin air. While
Gardland its way with mighty blows, even Hoverbeth enters the room using the fairy eladrin step. Despite the best tactical position the enemies are fierce and fight to the death. Barwin from behind the altar rails necromantic energy beams that not only hurt a lot, but also blind. Gardland is injured by the blades seem to wear black if in some kind of poison magic.
Leonard, a corner, screaming down at Kaliber for help. The Paladin dragging down the gnome against the will and slammed to the ground to get into melee and help the fellow with his comforting presence. Soon
Hoverbeth Kaliber and are chasing Barwin and put it on the corner between brands and magical rays. Kaliber But when looking to enter the fray, Barwin always manages to blind him with her dark energies and escape its attacks.
Fortunately Gardland and Leonard, brute force and coordinating movement confusing manage to kill the other enemies, and even Barwin is forced to succumb to Hoverbeth and Kaliber. Just before the end of the meeting, however Hoverbeth realize that the gnome tied up and whipped in a corner and escaped as he rushes up the stairs in pursuit. The gnome seems to have vanished. The guards in front of the store say they have seen for a while, but then it has become invisible and lost. Hoverbeth tells them to go and call Lord Padraig.
Meanwhile the group tries objects and information in the secret shrine. They find a magical amulet, a door from a secret room with a treasure chest, gold coins and several books related to the worship of Shar. Also found on a scroll to Barwin with the following message:
" Yesterday we received your last supply of the fortress. I agree the precautions of closing of the emporium, it's better that way, however, do not worry, the ritual will be finished very soon and will be released as planned Shussurru. Your services will not be forgotten in Shar, Barwin. Soon toast with the victory. - Kalarel "
arrived Lord Padraig, he is shocked by seeing the clear evidence of the existence the cult of a Winterhaven Shar. He says that for now does not want to panic, but is very upset to see that there are many benches in the sanctuary, and that one of the cultists killed was part of his body guards, the regulars. He says he will investigate what other between his guards may be involved, and recruit new regulars at the guild of warriors.
thanked the adventurers and says that after finishing the job with the kobolds (this time he is convinced and says he will call in a support group) will be more than generous. Consents to the 'investigate' the elf Ninaran also at the core of our suspicions. Also mentions that speak of the existence of the cult of Shar with Valthurn, the guardian the old tower. Remember to
Douven Dragonpoker important game tonight, which says he has a visitor came from the nearby diplomatic Cormyr, and be careful not to spread the word about the cult but to act fairly: their official duty to the citizens is vanquish kobolds.
evening before the group comes to visit Valthurn, explains the situation and shows him the letter Kalarel. Valthurn not know anything useful, but says he had the permission of Padraig on the search in books in the library of the ancient tower, to search for useful information. He says he will stay up all night and tomorrow will report his findings. Before
game of the evening, the group tries Ninaran in the city but it seems has not showed up.
tavern In the evening we are all creatures of habit (the old Elian Douven recommends that if you joined the band hired for the kobolds, the mission is very risky and the group's leader, iron teeth, it is said to be truly invincible) .
Lord Padraig is in the basement with mercenary Aperez that "re-" present to the group: is the new recruit in the regulars, and his first mission is to support our against the goblins. Aperez not very happy about, but does not hold back.
The table of strong players is one of the main attractions. Gardland Hoverbeth and are not allowed to play, by the collusion of their last game, then the table of 10 gold coins sitting Lord Padraig, Leonard "Douven" Dan Poe, and Arion such Joannes Van Sarimun, a politician who apparently is on a visit to Winterhaven to discuss the reopening and securing of the eastern route over the peaks of thunder. The game starts
(5 gambit, the player who remains with more chips) and the first and Gambit were won by Dan Leonard. Padraig seems in trouble, and Leonard knew of having promised to make him win the game, try to cheat by taking a few more card but is taken up by the guards once and once Van Sarimun.

seems to have enough luck, and asked several times while playing Padraig being engaged in the regulars. It seems to be aware of the betrayal of a watch. " Padraig says it wants the wealthy family of one of its guards.
Towards the end of the game it seems clear that Padraig can not win and will win Leonard. Padraig gets angry when he loses. She feels duped by Leonard.
exclaimed, "Tomorrow you go to take out the goblins!" and retired grumpy.
Towards the end of the game it seems clear that Padraig can not win and will win Leonard. Padraig gets angry when he loses. She feels duped by Leonard.
exclaimed, "Tomorrow you go to take out the goblins!" and retired grumpy.
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