10B) Relics of Baphomet few minutes after Dan, Hoverbeth, Orkut and Leonard finish in questioning the cultist after found with a potion, and Kaliber Naysend come to the temple.
explained that the signs of gendarmes arrived and put the rest of the group aware of the situation in the atrium and the message to be delivered to Paldemar. Unfortunately
and 'likely to reach Paldemar must retrieve the objects of Baphomet, but ... the key's got the gnome agrid then the company appears to be desperate. This
'nonostnante six decide to continue their exploration of the examining room of the temple pool of blood where the cultist was told that appear to secure the knife.
In fact, the room is home to several platforms and demonic statues kept in excellent condition.
The greenish light that illuminates the area comes from two areas similar to those for the mask in the room of mirrors across the room. At the center of the room on the stone walkway there is' a body of a cleric of Shar, with torn clothes, which seems to be holding a dagger in his hand broken. To reach pero 'e' must cross the lake of blood e. .. the giant statues do not seem to give good presentation.
Under the population coverage and the attention of the rest of the group as it prepares to restrict entry into the room, Kaliber decided to enter the lake and head to the body of the cleric.
But after a few steps in the blood, and suddenly the
two statues come alive and begin to spin the cat o 'nine tails, and under the lake of blood, three devils emerge suddenly and with murderous rage throw themselves on the paladin.
The response of the group does not wait! Since entering a magical shower of missiles, shuriken, is poured over the statue contralateral 'neighbor, who spins mightily the cat o' nine tails, grazing the edge of the room and wounding Kaliber. Meanwhile, the agile demons throw themselves upon him, and only Leonard runs for help, trying to come between Kaliber and creatures, but to avoid their shots.
The statue still severely affects the two adventurers in the room, but is then irreversibly damaged by the constant concentration ranged from Dan, and Hoverbeth Orkut and stops, disheartened.
Leonard and Kaliber also retire over the door, chased by demonic creatures, but that 'are bottled by the group that defends the door on the platform in a compact manner.
Before the show could seriously injure someone, slumps to the ground destroyed by multiple attacks of wizards and warriors . The statue across the room seems to go back to being disheartened at the end of combat (but its immobility 'does not convince anyone! ... Is then destroyed by the group remaining at a distance).
The six then feel free to come and retrieve the dagger Baphomet. It seems that under the lake there are many dead bodies, but decide not to investigate too. A cleric who was carrying the knife (which is' broken in two, blade and hilt, but then there are two platforms for the dagger) even if it has with different scrolls interesting rituals.
Without getting too close to the area where the knife should be included, the group decides to leave the room and go in search of the bell was talking about the text.
Hoverbeth pero 'notes as the structure of reality' of the place is really unstable and 'can they open portals into the abyss or steps inside the temple and must be very careful to demons. Kaliber Naysend and then decide to stay in the rear to the entrance of the temple, and better monitor the area, to be sure of not being taken from behind by any creature or demonic envoy Orontor.
The corridor that had seen first introduced in a rather bizarre. The transition running in circles in a central area, and has clear signs of burning on the floor and walls, which appears to have avutoorigine in a corner. The central zone communicates with the corridor on both sides, and houses a large pit in the middle of the room, and a "gong" supported by two statues of minotaur. A strong greenish light, typical of the platforms that need to house the relics of Baphomet seems to come from under Gong. Also in the central room, dozens of dead cultists Shar, and demons, are rotting on the floor. Some of them are clearly transformed into bestial creatures or undead.
The adventurers decide not look good for now the central area, and focus on other steps that have access to the corridor. There
and 'a grate that closed and inaccessible to a dark room full of bones and with a large stone door .
Then there is' a door that seems closed, although there are considerable traces of dried blood in the area. The six
decide, with caution, to open that door.
The magic lights illuminate a horrifying spectacle. In the middle of a dusty room, with several dead bodies of devotees at Shar rotting on the ground, there are many pillars composed of live bodies ... that just opens the door to begin a heartbreaking lament ..
The four adventurers approach the bodies and the pillars ...
SPLASH! Creatures trapped in the pillars turn their mourning into a bestial cry of rage that stuns the group, leaving room for two Evistro demons, hidden behind the columns of meat to come out and attack!
Leonard's response, Orkut, and Dan Hoverbeth not late, the four are distributed in the room, and begin to target the two demons from the four corners. But even the horrible howling pillars pose a problem: they try to grasp with hands and claws, acid spit ... and especially with a speed of regeneration 'in spite of the impressive magic fire mages hit them and destroy them more' times.
Two daemons are killed but because of the regeneration of the pillars, the four decide to continue to move in one of two passages that leave the room.
One door in a room like that, beyond which we glimpse a greenish light that recalls the areas where the relics of Baphomet to be inserted ... perhaps the bell and 'near!
Another pillar of flesh awaits them, and with it another demon!
also defeated this enemy, it becomes more and more 'hard for four hours even though they're in compact formation, advance without suffering the effects of the strident cries of the pillars. The thre magicians try to control the room, holding at bay forever with fire pillars or beams of magic, but it only takes a few seconds of distraction 'cause it to reform the body and begin to howl or spit acid ..
The room where the light comes contains another pillar .. and the arrival of the brilliant opening a gash above the ceiling and a demon Barlglura, similar to what they had been attacked when they were resting, emerges and throws it at the group! The magic fire
rejects it at first, but the four are trapped and have to defend themselves by appealing to a lot of resources to handle both pillars of the demon.
the end, the gorillas demon falls to the ground lifeless, and the four, injured and exhausted they start to search the dead bodies near the area of \u200b\u200blight, which is located above an altar, keeping at bay pillars. A cultist, probably a cleric, has several Perge with it and what appears to be looking for the relic.
Instead of taking it with him, the four think it is appropriate to place it directly above the magic circle lit ... back into the room more 'could later be challenging, and now they are in possession of all the items ... except the key, of course.
At the time of hand magic evoked by Hoverbeth place the bell on the area, a bright light fills the room. The pillars stop attacking ... for a few seconds.
Nothing happens.
The four pillars come out quickly from the area, covering the retreat targeting the pillars so that it does not hurt ..
Back in the corridor around the central area, the four hours wondering what to do. Do not hold the key, but the other three objects. Grating the area that have not yet explored it seems very solid, and the only light that have not yet identified comes from the central area, where there are statues of the minotaur, the pile of corpses and the general well ... and will probably 'where the key should be inserted.
They decide to review that area ..
The bodies appear to be the leaders of the expedition (Alazbani excluded): Several magicians have died in that room ... but how? Some appear to be burned, converted others in non-dead. Our carefully rummaging in the equipment enemies, and Perge are different and even a potion that Dan identified as an elixir for improvement ..
on the pedestal of the statues, in the Gong, in fact there seems to be a big lock, where the light comes.
Leonard says: " will not be 'easy, but I can try , pulling the gears break.
Seeing no other viable alternatives, the others begin to organize: need to position the knife and the mask, and be ready for anything when Leonard will try 'to break open the lock magic ..