Dan, Hoverbeth, Leonard and Orkut walk through the caverns leading to the Temple of Baphomet, the only light coming from the magic spells of the two eladrin.
After a while the rough stone gives space to a large square room with five columns carved with figures of minotaur. There 'a passage that extends beyond the room, vicinaza of a well about three meters. There seem to be ample traces of dried blood at the center of the room.
The group moves cautiously toward the well, and as soon as they step into the room u na voice coming from the column reads:
hail, seekers of the infinite glory of Baphomet After a while the rough stone gives space to a large square room with five columns carved with figures of minotaur. There 'a passage that extends beyond the room, vicinaza of a well about three meters. There seem to be ample traces of dried blood at the center of the room.

The group moves cautiously toward the well, and as soon as they step into the room u na voice coming from the column reads:
Those who attempt unworthy of his attention to
will always proclaimed his slaves
To those who prove themselves worthy
It will be 'power over death awards
mouths magic to the columns do not finish to say the phrase and Leonard Orkut can see movement in the shadows behind a pillar, near the ceiling .. beckoning to the other, just in time 'cause they are not surprised by two slimy creatures suffocate!

four react tactically, and Dan and Hoverbeth quickly undertake the two monsters, while they think of Orkut, and Leonard Ghoul.
But as they approach the well, from it, breaking the floor, rapidly emerging large tentacles that grab and Leonard began to crush him!

covering them with fire magic, the four spend well without being attacked, and through the corridor.
reach a rectangular room where 'evident in a fight: half a dozen, if not a decade semiputrefatti of corpses lying on the floor. Some of them are victims of partial transformations of their humanity '... means zombies, or half-beasts, not 'clear. They are there for at least a week in a pool of dried blood. Even parts are recognizable
demonic ... men seem to wear robes characteristics of the followers of the cult of Shar (the darkness of the fiery serpents) that met our in Winterhaven ... then maybe they were men of Al'azBani!
A quick search allows you to discover our a cultist (the clothing looked like a magician) had with him a black mask and magic, who was not wearing, a few magic scroll, and a note written on a papyrus partially destroyed, and smeared with blood, probably a page of a book:
"[...] Well
The rest of the text and 'unreadable. Maybe the mask and 'the form of Baphomet? Three small
corriodi leave the room introducing three-door. One from a small hall surrounded on three sides by black curtains, another door in the middle of a corridor, and a final show on a huge room with a fearsome demonic statues and a pool of blood.
The four decided to first explore the darkened room tents.
entering the hall, under the magic light of the eternal torch eladrin and Orkut, Leonard quietly pushed aside the curtain. not have time to report what 'to see the rest of the group that his body disappears in a flash of light !
The other three are held over the 'fast as possible. With the utmost attention deviate too, and keep the tent, being careful not to set, several columns of mirrors in a room. It appears that the mirrors to shine a light spectrum, and Hoverbeth certainly not slow to explain that we must avoid looking at them.
At that moment, another area of \u200b\u200bthe room you hear the noise energy ... it seems that the mirrors are up to something. Leonard's voice is heard, "Dan, Hover, Orkut, help! I'm here."
Orkut comes out trying to avoid attacks by mirrors, to follow the noise and reach Leonard. Dan eHoverbeth directly attack the columns with missiles and magical orbs of force.
The first mirrors are easily destroyed, but dangerous attack with necrotic energy. It seems that there are various columns scattered about the room, and Orkut has trouble not to be impressed.
Just just after he turned the Angono and Leonard in last two warriors fighting blindly with skeletons, Orkut is hit by a mirror and disappears, sucked.

Although the situation appears gray, and Dan break up progressively Hoverbeth the first columns with magic attacks in order to secure the first part of the room. They then reached Leonard that if he sees bad against two skeletons at the bottom of the room. Destroying almost all the mirrors and supporting magic to Leonard, the three manage to eliminate all threats.
Only one column of four mirrors will be saved. Over the mirrors seems to be the figure of Orkut into a room, trapped, looking for a way out.
In back of the room and there 'an altar dedicated to Baphomet, which shines a platform of green light (which seems to accommodate the mask found) and made another altar area to rest your hand.
using the magician's hand activate the device, which releases the mirrors immediately Orkut, along with the body dying, unconscious, a cultist of Shar.
being careful not to be sucked into the mirror, the four are put to try to reinvigorate the enemy, but that 'look too bad. E 'disidratatissimo, neither eating nor drinking for two weeks. No magic cure or natural disposition of the group could put it back up quickly ..
But Dan has an idea. together using two potions of healing and ongoing support for about an hour, possibly even forced him to recover his senses for a short time, for questioning.
After a debate (no Orkut and 'agree) then the four decide to stop for an hour. The time to begin to assist the cultist, to regain strength, and to allow Dan to prepare two healing potions from the components that have with alchemy, with the assistance of Hoverbeth. Meanwhile, Leonard tries to carefully remove the mirrors from the columns.
Unfortunately, as Hoverbeth begins to sense the demons of the pit does not seem a very welcoming and hospitable to those who stop to rest. The barrier between the material plane and the plane of the abyss into chaos elemental and 'very weak in the temple, and it seems that the fabric of reality' is unstable.
fact after about 20 minutes after the break, a tear in space is blinding everyone. From the glimpse a demon monster which looked like a gorilla with claws out and start rushing Orkut attack, destroying two mirrors in the heat.
Orkut avoids most of the damage thanks to the ability 'to evoke the darkness' ... and together with the other two (Dan does not stop the procedure to the potion) is able to drive away the demonic creature ... a Barglura.
At the end of the fight, Dan hurry to prepare potions, which are immediately administered to humans.
"... where they are ... who are you? Al'azBani ..."
Dan: "We are with Al'azBani! And what 'happened?"
".. where is' AlazBani ... ... where the demons are .."
Orkut: "Al'azBani and 'busy hour. What did you' happened?"
"the magic mirror ... I was closed for hours .. days .. months ... dead .." "It's been only two weeks' " ... P.. P.. Paldemar ?..."
Orkut bluffs, seeing that the human has difficulty 'to be polished: "Al'azbani is fighting with Paldemar! We need help, there is no' time! What were you doing here?"
"The mask ... the mask of the land we have failed the test ... .."
Dan "Do we have the mask, did not fail. Where are the others? That task had all died .."
"Stan P.. .. Paldemar opened the inner sanctum? Al ' az Bani ... I see it .. "
"Al'azbani Paldemar is struggling with that we can not disturb him now!"
"Paldemar and 'out of the closet ... and then the mission' success ... go to help ... my life does not count .. "
" Where are the knife, the Baphomet bell? "
" Zurius the dagger ... the room of blood ... .. The demons attacked ... "
" And the bell? "
" Axior ... he had to deal with the bell ... Shar ... Meet ... "The cultist
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