Leonard, Orkut, and Dan Hoverbeth move away from the atrium at a fast pace, as Surina told them that the angel that they were not searched in depth ' of the maze and find a sheltered spot between the tunnel where to stay married again, finally. Hoverbeth Leonard and which are the most 'fresh, provide guard duty.
Six hours later, they discuss what to do and decide to all go to the "pit of demons' which should be hiding Paldemar. The indications are required to depart from the estate of the horn, and then decide before you walk towards the fort of the clan who made Grimmerzhul iron and fire the previous day.
After a couple of hours, now they know the road, found the seal. They give you a quick look at stealth 'and see that the guards at the entrance have not been replaced, although the grille and' tightly closed.
Following the instructions that guide them in unexplored areas of the maze, after two hours (without dangerous encounters, fortunately) are signs of their notes, a large cavern you forward in darkness' (lit the magic lights produced by the two eladrin), with several findings that call minotaurs and monstrous beasts entry.
He seemed to be well or building a temple linked to the legendary prince of the demonic beasts, Baphomet, as is expected, from the information that Gazbari had given them. weapons drawn, defensive formation, the four adventurers enter the temple ...
Meanwhile in the morning and Naysend Kaliber, caught by the angel of the rules on behalf dell'Ordinator Arcanis, if not having a great time for sure. Regained knowledge Naysend wakes up after hours of his capture a place indefinitely,'s extremely bright ... almost done with light. Next him there and 'the champion Kaliber, who is sleeping. The genasi the alarm, and notes that the mezz'elfo is better and seems to have regained many of the lost strength. Even Naysend feels invigorated than the heavy wounds suffered the day before.
" Where are we? " Ask the Barbarian to the champion, but before Kaliber venture an answer, the light gradually disappear, leaving room for the emergence of seven distinct pillars of the atrium, the statue of the minotaur on top of the hill where the two realize they are prisoners. The angel of the rules, complete with armor and sword of a blue fire, and 'next to them. In addition, realizing that they are in a magical silence.
The return to reality ' and 'accompanied by a return of heavy pain of injuries and illnesses of the two adventurers, probably the magical place in which they did not feel their pain, but now everything seems very real. Royal
and spectacular seems that all the inhabitants of the atrium are gathered at the mound to attend their trial. Surina seems to be no, but '. Orontor and Khedira are right at the base of the stairs.
Orontor speaks solemnly
Six hours later, they discuss what to do and decide to all go to the "pit of demons' which should be hiding Paldemar. The indications are required to depart from the estate of the horn, and then decide before you walk towards the fort of the clan who made Grimmerzhul iron and fire the previous day.
After a couple of hours, now they know the road, found the seal. They give you a quick look at stealth 'and see that the guards at the entrance have not been replaced, although the grille and' tightly closed.
Following the instructions that guide them in unexplored areas of the maze, after two hours (without dangerous encounters, fortunately) are signs of their notes, a large cavern you forward in darkness' (lit the magic lights produced by the two eladrin), with several findings that call minotaurs and monstrous beasts entry.
He seemed to be well or building a temple linked to the legendary prince of the demonic beasts, Baphomet, as is expected, from the information that Gazbari had given them. weapons drawn, defensive formation, the four adventurers enter the temple ...
Meanwhile in the morning and Naysend Kaliber, caught by the angel of the rules on behalf dell'Ordinator Arcanis, if not having a great time for sure. Regained knowledge Naysend wakes up after hours of his capture a place indefinitely,'s extremely bright ... almost done with light. Next him there and 'the champion Kaliber, who is sleeping. The genasi the alarm, and notes that the mezz'elfo is better and seems to have regained many of the lost strength. Even Naysend feels invigorated than the heavy wounds suffered the day before.
" Where are we? " Ask the Barbarian to the champion, but before Kaliber venture an answer, the light gradually disappear, leaving room for the emergence of seven distinct pillars of the atrium, the statue of the minotaur on top of the hill where the two realize they are prisoners. The angel of the rules, complete with armor and sword of a blue fire, and 'next to them. In addition, realizing that they are in a magical silence.
The return to reality ' and 'accompanied by a return of heavy pain of injuries and illnesses of the two adventurers, probably the magical place in which they did not feel their pain, but now everything seems very real. Royal
and spectacular seems that all the inhabitants of the atrium are gathered at the mound to attend their trial. Surina seems to be no, but '. Orontor and Khedira are right at the base of the stairs.
Orontor speaks solemnly
"From the heart Kelh Saarun poisoned when he decided to bind his soul dominated by the blue fire of the scourge of the mountain of Thunderspire, founding the lobby of the seven pillars, I magician Saarun of holding the right and responsibility ' to evoke Ordinator.
My order protects and manages and holds the secrets and powers of the mountain. Wizards of the justice Saarun are in darkness. Ordinator, once again I Orontor Nantunam the order of 21 years, I use my right and duty as a magician and protector of the atrium of the mountain to summon your opinion, to ask you to punish the guilty and not to let the mortal weakness leads us to an unjust mercy '.
Ordinator Arcanis .. appears! "
AND ordinator Arcanis appears. It has no definite form, seems to be a disembodied fog that permeates the ceiling of the atrium, even if vaguely glimpsed a face devoid of features dominate the entire underground area.
Orontor continues
" Ordinator, Khedira Grimmerzhul enjoy your protection, and demanded justice without mercy 'to the prisoners, representatives of a group of foreigners who have offended the Clan Duergar. Khedira, expose your accusation "
An aura surrounds the spectral Duergar declaring: "The genasi and the half-elf along with four others attacked the headquarters of our trade, with the aim of causing harm. They destroyed our lives, killed tens of good allies, and burned many of our belongings. will have paid off and die. "
A murmur of curiosity 'mixed with disbelief' seems to cut off the crowd, and only group of orcish race around Brugg chuckles.
Orontor continues, and the word to the two defendants, who are seen wrapped dall'aurea dell'ordinator. The zone of silence is disenchanted. Naysend said he was looking for adventure and is only 'were recruited. Kaliber speaks with difficulty, but said that they had stolen Duergar an object of their properties', attacking them during a trade negotiation. The
Ordinator voice hoarse and rumbling Kaliber asks the reason for his presence in the maze. Kaliber says in a nutshell Paldemar trying to ask him questions.
Khedira seems surprised by the statement.
Orontor presses and reminds the crowd and all'ordinator that the two prisoners do not enjoy Security and deserve punishment, but is interrupted by gendarmes, which occurs among the onlookers. " Orontor, Wizard of Saarun the genasi Naysend and 'a mercenary as you said. I assumed I go to the estate of the horn, to retrieve a rod that I had been subtracted. I enjoy the protection of 'Ordinator, I pay my tribute regularly. "
Orontor seems very angry. You should complain to 'Ordinator:
"This ' weight does not mean violence against your clan Grimmerzhul protected. Ordinator, listen to the lead in the maze, the witness Terrlen Darkseeker "
Terrlen is swept by a keeper Bronze near the mountain. Seems to retain its non-voluntary '. The ordinator listens to him, and the aura feature appears on Terrlen.
" from the first day I helped foreigners find the seal of the horn. I've also driven the next day and the day when they attacked. "
" ordinator Play! From day one, the perpetrators have sought Duergar "break Orontor, who wants to cut. " shall be punished with death " continues Orontor " Duergar wanted to attack immediately, right Terrlen? "
" E 'probable, but have done nothing. Genasi This is and' joined them only for the attack, says police. They defeated the undead. A gnome and 'come to ask me about them the second day. "
" A gnome! "Orontor exclaimed, turning all'ordinator." Probably 'the gnome sought after by magicians Saarun ten days ago. This is' a double proof of guilt " Khedira to hear these revelations, and to feel how strongly 'Orontor want to condemn the two, seems upset.
" For the champion and there' no excuse, Ordinator. I invite you to declare his sentence and give him the punishment to which the clan has the right Grimmerzhul! "
Kaliber is hit by an aura of strength, but a moment before ordinator Arcanis the talk, the shadows from the street you hear a voice yelling " Ordinator! Orontor! wait! Even I have to be heard before sentence! " Surina emerge from caves, dragging the corpse with the now unrecognizable from 'Acid cleric Piccius Drawing.
" I have with me the body of Piccius Drawing, cleric holy champion of the church Tormiana of Waterdeep, and that 'his holy symbol. Some of you saw him reach the atrium, yesterday" - says Surina in trouble, extracting a parchment - "According to the order of the artifact in the winter of the year holy, and as me and 'was declared by Piccius in person, as Kaliber was on her first mission initiation, of his actions, for ethical reasons, reported directly Piccius .
Orontor not believe her ears. The cleric is trying to protect the champion.
" I, being bald Tormiana, ordered the shrine holy champion of the seven pillars in the venom of stinging, and having a mission entrusted to Kaliber recently, the death of the current Piccius I became responsible for the outcome of his mission of initiation, which began in Winterhaven, which ended today with sending the report to Waterdeep, I've just completed. The sanctuary of the atrium has the protection dell'Ordinator Torm Arcanis, and I invoke to justify the actions of the knight of the dragon Platinum Kaliber. He acted according to the mission entrusted to him by his church, which I represent now. "
Orontor disbelief turns all'ordinator
" I do not think will be the legal technicalities of a cult to obscure the view dell'Ordinator. Khedira asked the lives of both defendants. Ordinator, declare them guilty! .
" Wait! " Khedira order." The clan Grimmerzhul claiming damages of 10,000 gold coins for the damage. Only if the defendants do not pay soon, then ask the life .
" What! "says Orontor" Surely these beggars do not have all this money! You're giving them the opportunity 'to escape "
" I decided "replica Khedira.
Now it' s the Ordinator to speak .. the angel lifts off, ready to deliver fatal blows on NAysend and Kaliber, all ' order of the entity 'arcana.
" Khedira deserves his compensation. The two attackers are now marked, and to cover their debt, the clan Grimmerzhul can 'dispose at will of their lives ".
The angel is a gesture against Kaliber Naysend and who are invested with pain, and a bright tattoo on their chest. Then the creature lowers his hands and disappears in a flash.
Cosi 'is also the haze that makes up the Ordinator. The area of silence is disenchanted. Kaliber Naysend and are free.
Surina Shortly after he accompanied them to the temple and medicated to the best of his ability, receive visits from police. The dark elf from Surina at a strong healing potion, and also pulls out a parchment began to recite a ritual to delay the effect of disease on Kaliber. After
assistance, speak to the two adventurers " not think of fleeing it smooth. I agree 'to pay your debt with Khedira. I think there has spared' cause you have named Paldemar. "
"How time we have to pay 10 thousand pieces of gold? "
" There 's a definite time, but Khedira pays' cause it takes Ordinator marked, and therefore will not tolerate 'much for your debt "replica Genda" As for me, you will have the chance' of debt relief immediately. Where are your comrades? "
" do not know. Probably went to the Well of Demons .
"Well . Reach them, then . "- Genda says, pulling out a crumpled map of the maze." Listen and watch the road. I want you to go to the Temple of Baphomet and Paldemar're looking to give him a message. I heard yesterday, but I ended up shipping the scrolls of magic .

Naysend and remain Kaliber amazed. " If you're lucky most of the traps will be reactivated by Paldemar if sustained's henchmen Al'az Taliban during their attack. " Naysend Kaliber and are more and more 'surprised, but still Genda. "There 'time, you must leave immediately. You say that Paldemar Noristo Azer and' compromise, and Orontor soon will come 'to him. "
" better go " - ends - " better keep an eye Orontor. Go "
And the dark elf exits, leaving the mezz'elfo genasi and with many questions.
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