The return to the dark streets of the maze, with Kaliber poisoned, not 'the best. The day of adventure, which began with the attack on the group of tanks troglodytes, and 'was very long and tiring, but no one imagined that the worst was yet to come.
Before reaching the atrium, the six also have the best time to look at what they have recovered the estate. In addition to the scepter requested by the police, the residuum and other things of little value, they also found a list of orders of magic items, including a P appears that ordered the material to several tens of thousands of gold coins to be delivered to the "pit of demons." There are also vague directions on how to get there. may finally have some indication as to where Paldemar find!
arrive after a few hours almost atrium, notice the shadows on the road a sign posted recently. You and 'the description, with a quick sketch, and written very clearly that they are sought, and that the Arcanis ordinator and' was convened by the clan Khdedira Grimmerzhul. Anyone who finds one of the researchers first of the 'angel of the rules "(!?) And hand it to Orontor will be' rewarded with 100 gold.
Things are bad, probably can not return to the atrium with tranquility ', but the group does not know where else to go (I would know how to get out of the maze without going through the atrium) and, unfortunately, Kaliber is really bad, and not resist 'many other hours. Finally
groped then decided to reach the temple of Torm passing through the lobby without being seen. The thing 'pretty busy' cause the road near the atrium of the shadows comes Grimmerzhul clan, and the house of Surin and 'the other side of the underground river.
leave all the equipment and testing their magic attack on the estate of Leonard and CONRO Hoverbeth, so 'requirement in the case that they can not they be caught. also disguise themselves as best they could, and develop a plan which will attempt to cross the hall separately, one after another, after 5 minutes of each other. The appointment with Hoverbeth and Leonard and 'after 6 hours, in the same place on the path of the shadows where they are now.
arrive after a few hours almost atrium, notice the shadows on the road a sign posted recently. You and 'the description, with a quick sketch, and written very clearly that they are sought, and that the Arcanis ordinator and' was convened by the clan Khdedira Grimmerzhul. Anyone who finds one of the researchers first of the 'angel of the rules "(!?) And hand it to Orontor will be' rewarded with 100 gold.
Things are bad, probably can not return to the atrium with tranquility ', but the group does not know where else to go (I would know how to get out of the maze without going through the atrium) and, unfortunately, Kaliber is really bad, and not resist 'many other hours. Finally
groped then decided to reach the temple of Torm passing through the lobby without being seen. The thing 'pretty busy' cause the road near the atrium of the shadows comes Grimmerzhul clan, and the house of Surin and 'the other side of the underground river.
leave all the equipment and testing their magic attack on the estate of Leonard and CONRO Hoverbeth, so 'requirement in the case that they can not they be caught. also disguise themselves as best they could, and develop a plan which will attempt to cross the hall separately, one after another, after 5 minutes of each other. The appointment with Hoverbeth and Leonard and 'after 6 hours, in the same place on the path of the shadows where they are now.
Orkut and 'the first to come forward. In the lobby activities' are closing and the inn is swarming with people. The posters on them are posted everywhere, and the mound with a statue of a minotaur shines light spectrum .. The disguise
Orkut and 'simple: in addition to change clothes and' removal of the turban he wears every now looks like a "normal" dark elf that nobody has ever seen before. Nevertheless' the gnome Deepgem the company seems to look so strange as it heads toward the bridge ..
Orkut turns to him: "'m looking for a dark elf, should have a store here in the lobby. "The gnome gives up her suspicions and tells the store of Orkut police." Welcome atrium, drow , "and walks away.
Bluffing allows you to get from Orkut Surina without other distractions.
The second to go and 'Kaliber, alone. He still has the strength to trudge. Take away the armor, emerge from the shadows of the street wrapped in a dark coat and heads for the temple, to the best of his strength, hoping no one pays attention to a sick beggar.
Unfortunately, the luck it 'on his side. A few steps after it emerged from the labyrinth, the tavern where the scum of the atrium shall meet, some are discussing with mezz'orchi Brugg how will ' fun to see the death of the researchers. One of them known Kaliber passing nearby and decides to insult him as he walks by. Kaliber continues without answering mezz'orco but another comes up and thunders " you hear me, you idiot? Go back to your niche Kruthik full of shit." And the other laughing. Kaliber whispers " lasciantemi go .." but trying not to show .. The Hustler removes the cap e.. Brugg gasps: "For all the minotaurs ! E 'one of the bastards. Take it! " The Paladin is no strength, no strength to do so. Is beaten and beaten until he lost consciousness.

Naysend arrives in the lobby after a few minutes, as expected.
camouflage hard when you're half elemental, but the barbarian ammantellato does his best, and it 'helped by the fact that something special is happening in the lobby, and many people are' out of the facilities to observe the scene.
A giant blue angel, mainly made of energy, with shining armor, is flying from the fort of magicians of Saarun to the mound in the center, taking the wounded body of Kaliber arms among themselves. Come over to the circle of teleportation, he drops the body of mezz'elfo disappears immediately after touching the ground, in a flash of light. Then the angel flying over the hill and dissolves, and people began to disperse.

Meanwhile Naysend took the opportunity to cross half atrium, surrounded by people. A human
the inn Halfmoon recognizes him, and exclaimed in a low voice to its neighbors " E 'mercenary genasi this morning, and' him! . Naysend hears this and turns to the four bystanders, among whom are two Halfling in the morning that he had been directed to the adventurers. "'m just an adventurer, has nothing to do with the events of which they are accused. Please, do not pretend to have seen me .
The five are intimidated by the muscular barbarian, and do not say anything as he passes. Try not to show that he is going the temple, but even if it comes from Surina uninterrupted suspect that soon will spread 'and the voice' was seen in the lobby.
Dan Poe and 'the last to cross the hall cautiously, after 5 minutes.
comes almost furtively towards the temple, but they realize that some Duergar are keeping an eye on the entry. Distracts them with a sound ghost and manages to sneak in through the power eladrin pitch magic.
the temple, the others were waiting, along with Surina and an old acquaintance, the cleric Drawing Piccius .
Piccius and says that 'back to Waterdeep after accompanying Kaliber in Winterhaven, just to know that the dragon had returned Shadraxil peak thunder and had attacked the town, and that the sections of the cult of Torm's realm of Cormyr had requested the mission report of the Paladin Kaliber. His superiors have immediately sent back to retrieve the undisciplined novice paladin of the god of Dragons and hear what he knew of the matter.
Surina explains that there are safe, and that the angel dell'Ordinator Arcanis 'presence they are looking for, you'll find them' for sure if a short stay in the lobby or in the vicinity. He says the process dell'ordinator and 'always right, but only those who pay protection dell'Ordinator with the annual fee to the wizards of Saarun has the right to justice. She says she can not 'keep them hidden, and' a thing contrary to his order, but he says he is willing to undertake 'to defend them in the process, even if he does not know how.
If, within one day but do not get caught ', and only those who' was caught respond 'prosecution. Kaliber For now it seems there is nothing to be done. Our
not seem very confident of the protection that can 'give them Surina, and decide which is' better go away from the atrium for a while'. At that moment, while the group is discussing what to do in the back of the sanctuary, two Duergar enter the temple and say " Surina Surina ..? You're not hiding the wanted, eh? You're not very faithful to justice, high priestess of Torm .. . Surina Piccius
and out of the back. She speaks embarrassed, torn between duty to deliver the group to 'justice' and the knowledge that will be condemned without a good defense. "Do not offend entering the temple where you have no right, kin of Asmodeus. I'll think 'the ordinator and his executioner to find your search. Go away." And
Duergar out giggling " careful Draconid .. your good

Meanwhile, the three decided: will try to get to the appointment of Leonard and Hoverbeth in less than six hours without re-cross the lobby try to navigate to get to the road starting from the shadows of the street lanterns. Piccius that is not 'sophisticated, will remain' in the lobby and will be 'also an appointment to give news. In the meantime, will try 'to find Terrlen Darkseeker and convince him not to testify against evil adventurers, if they come to trial.
After a few minutes, furtively, Orkut, and Dan Naysend leave the sanctuary and run towards the road that runs along the lanterns.
have already 'tried by very long day, but do not have time to move with great care: they have only a few hours to be able to find a way to take them to the point of meeting with their peers.
But the maze and 'always fraught with danger, and in those few hours of travel the group meets and can sporavvivere (Without their equipment magic!) To a group of bats of the fire and a mysterious band of spectral undead advancing along a corridor to a deadly gelatinous cube. The three prefer to escape to the comparison .. can not wait for the day to end. Especially Naysend, leaving the fighting rather than hurt.
But then six hours after the start (then with about a half hour late) arrive exhausted in an area recognized to be close to the point of meeting with their peers.
in the distance I hear a voice calling them "Daan, Nayseend, Oorkut ..". And 'the voice of Piccius that they are looking for. But before he could respond, the spider-like creatures, but with the armored shells come out of the ground and begin to attack them with a storm acid, which damages them and slow down. The three reacting to the fire, and began to shower down blows, magic missiles, and shurikens against the creatures, which they recognize as Kruthik ..
Behind the hateful little creatures, a more Kruthik 'great and terrible shoot the three investing dangerously poison, trying to pull it moves to the voice of Piccius, which becomes more' nearby.
Despite the blows they have shot down several Kruthik, the three took refuge in a tunnel where beings can only attack one at a time. Naysend defends the retreat, but falls to the ground unconscious under the attack of acid Kruthik giant and deadly assault of children.
Right now you were so 'close to rest!
Piccius arrives and sees the situation. With its healing powers of speech stabilizes Naysend, who had been dragged to safety by Orkut June 'to the corridor and is exposed on the front line trying to defend Dan, who seems in bad shape.
But his heroic action at a price: the Kruthnik giant hit him with poisonous acid, and in a flash and the horde of kruthnik 'on the poor clerk, who fell to the ground. Dan flares up its corridor of magic missiles, dispersing the creatures and angrily Orkut comes out and kills with a deadly gaze, the head of Kruthik, putting an end definitely to the ugly encounter. But Piccius Drawing and 'too late' s dead, a victim of acid slimy creatures.
Behind the hateful little creatures, a more Kruthik 'great and terrible shoot the three investing dangerously poison, trying to pull it moves to the voice of Piccius, which becomes more' nearby.
Despite the blows they have shot down several Kruthik, the three took refuge in a tunnel where beings can only attack one at a time. Naysend defends the retreat, but falls to the ground unconscious under the attack of acid Kruthik giant and deadly assault of children.
Right now you were so 'close to rest!

Piccius arrives and sees the situation. With its healing powers of speech stabilizes Naysend, who had been dragged to safety by Orkut June 'to the corridor and is exposed on the front line trying to defend Dan, who seems in bad shape.
But his heroic action at a price: the Kruthnik giant hit him with poisonous acid, and in a flash and the horde of kruthnik 'on the poor clerk, who fell to the ground. Dan flares up its corridor of magic missiles, dispersing the creatures and angrily Orkut comes out and kills with a deadly gaze, the head of Kruthik, putting an end definitely to the ugly encounter. But Piccius Drawing and 'too late' s dead, a victim of acid slimy creatures.
" Damn! . Even Naysend and 'in bad shape. Despite his injuries are under control, has no forces to regain consciousness, should stand.
Hoverbeth Leonard and join them in a little while, explaining that they were looking for, and learned the bad news. " Let's move from here," she exclaims, "I and 'seemed to feel a disturbing presence near here. We look for a safe place to rest .
But do not even have time to create a stretcher to Naysend when the disturbing presence is manifested in all its fearsome ': this is the angel dell'Ordinator .. materializes in a blue wind, armor and magical lands it holds in a few seconds. It 'a few yards away and the body of Piccius. Exclaimed a voice frightening
Hoverbeth Leonard and join them in a little while, explaining that they were looking for, and learned the bad news. " Let's move from here," she exclaims, "I and 'seemed to feel a disturbing presence near here. We look for a safe place to rest .
But do not even have time to create a stretcher to Naysend when the disturbing presence is manifested in all its fearsome ': this is the angel dell'Ordinator .. materializes in a blue wind, armor and magical lands it holds in a few seconds. It 'a few yards away and the body of Piccius. Exclaimed a voice frightening
"your destiny 'to be judged."

Orkut, Dan, and Leonard Hoverbeth do not think about twice as much as they flee 'fast enable their forces, leaving behind the genasi senseless. The angel not chasing them, but with one eye to see that raises the body Naysend and fly into the porch.
From bad to worse ..
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